Terms and Conditions
From the Intermedica Foundation in Wijchen and its affiliates
doctors and medical specialists
These conditions apply to all treatment agreements concluded with patients by the Intermedica Kliniek and by the associated doctors and medical specialists, insofar as these activities are carried out within the framework of the clinic. The text of these general terms and conditions has been established in a joint decision of the Board of the Intermedica Foundation and a representative representation of doctors and medical specialists working within the institution. The two parties mentioned in the first sentence of these explanatory notes must inform the patient of the existence and applicability of these general terms and conditions to the treatment agreements to be concluded with him. If this is reasonably possible, they will provide the patient with a copy of these general terms and conditions. In any case, these general terms and conditions are available at any time upon request by the patient.
Terms and Conditions
1. Definitions: In these general terms and conditions the following definitions apply:
A. clinic: the Intermedica foundation and/or the doctors and medical specialists working within it.
B. treatment agreement: all agreements concluded by the clinic with a patient regarding treatment.
C. patient: the other party of the clinic when entering into the treatment agreement.
D. treatment: day treatment, outpatient treatment or consultation and all other care or services, whether medical specialist or not.
2. A deviation from these general terms and conditions is only effective if the clinic has expressly agreed to this.
3. At any time when there is reasonable grounds for doing so, the clinic is entitled to demand full or partial advance payment or security from the patient for the estimated costs of the treatment or further treatment to be provided to him. However, failure to pay in advance or provide security does not give the clinic the authority to postpone or omit acute care.
4. Treatment appointments that are canceled 48 hours or less before the appointment in question or are not canceled without the patient showing up, may be charged to the patient by the clinic. Unless there is proof to the contrary, the administration kept by the clinic serves as complete proof that such an appointment had been made.
5. Cancellation or suspension of the treatment agreement is possible if the patient behaves improperly or discourteously towards the clinic or its employees or the volunteers working there and/or towards fellow patients or their visitors.
6. When entering into a treatment agreement, the patient also instructs the clinic - unless an explicit statement to the contrary - to carry out the usual final care in the clinic in the event of death within the clinic, insofar as the immediate relatives of the patient as described in art. 7.465 paragraph 3 of the Dutch Civil Code, no other provision must be made within three hours of death. The work thus performed by or on behalf of the clinic can be charged separately at the published rates applicable at that time.
7. Subject to the exceptions provided by or pursuant to the law, the clinic will send the invoice for the treatment (or part thereof) to the patient. Payment of the invoice must be made in such a way that the clinic has received payment no later than thirty days after the invoice date. If the patient demonstrates that he has received the invoice later than five days after the invoice date, the payment term will be extended by the number of days the invoice was received later than the invoice date. A number of treatments are only carried out by the clinic against cash payment. The clinic will discuss the costs of the treatment with the patient in advance and/or include them in the treatment agreement.
8. Exceeding the payment term referred to in the previous article has the following consequences: - the patient is legally in default from the due date of the invoice; - the clinic sends the patient a first reminder, in which the patient is given a period of two weeks to still meet his obligations.
9. If the patient does not fulfill his obligations within the period set in the reminder, this will have the following consequences: - all outstanding claims of the clinic on the patient will become immediately due and payable, despite any stipulations or agreements to the contrary; - the patient receives a second reminder in which he is offered a final opportunity to fulfill his obligations by paying within one week. The patient is informed that if this payment is not made, the claim(s) will be passed on to a third party for collection.
10. After the period set in the second reminder has expired without payment having been made, the clinic will hand over the claim for collection. In that case, the patient also owes the clinic: - all reasonable costs of extrajudicial collection, which are fixed at the then applicable collection rate of the Bar Association. If the clinic can demonstrate that it has incurred higher costs that were reasonably necessary, these will also be borne by the patient; - the legal costs incurred by the clinic are payable in all instances, insofar as these are reasonable. This only applies if the patient has been completely or predominantly found in the wrong in a final judicial decision; - everything plus any turnover tax due.
11. The patient authorizes the clinic to request payment (of the insured part) of the costs of the treatment provided to him on behalf of the patient from his insurance company. The patient provides the clinic with the necessary information about the insurance. Upon receipt of reimbursement from the insurance company, the clinic settles the amounts received by deducting them from what the patient owes to the clinic on account of the treatment.
12. The clinic reserves the right to change the rates for the treatment without further notice, but only if this is done in accordance with the applicable price regulations of the Healthcare Rates Board or any other legally designated body. If no legal price regulations apply to a treatment, the published rates applicable at the time of the treatment in question apply.
13. A patient's claim for settlement is not possible if the patient's counterclaim is contested on good grounds by the clinic.
1 4 . Dutch law applies to all agreements concluded between the clinic and the patient.

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